keep open
英 [kiːp ˈəʊpən]
美 [kiːp ˈoʊpən]
仍营业;仍开放; 使保持分开(张开)
- retain rights to
- keep my job for me while I give birth
- keep my seat, please
- keep open the possibility of a merger
- How long do the shops keep open?
商店开门多长时间了? - Second, in view of many developing countries to give up the initiative in opening up the securities market, resulting in adverse consequences, we should keep open the stock market in the process of control.
其次,鉴于很多发展中国家由于放弃了证券市场开放的主动权,从而导致恶劣的后果,我们应该保持证券市场开放过程中的控制权。 - He says the world cannot allow Iran to use negotiations to stall for time, hedge its bets and keep open an indigenous route to a nuclear weapon.
他说,世界各国不能允许伊朗利用谈判来拖延时间、回避作出保证,并保持本国获取核武器的途径。 - Archives of scientific research don't keep open after its accomplishment, so it's difficult to exploit its value.
科研项目完成后的档案不对外开放,其可用价值就难以发挥。 - We keep open house, so come and see us any time.
我们随时欢迎来客,可以不拘时候来看看我们。 - The simulation left open whether Israel would indeed launch an attack on Iran, though it suggested that the country would lean heavily on the US at least to keep open the option of a strike.
以色列是否会果真对伊朗发动袭击,此次模拟并没有给出明确的答案,但以色列暗示,至少在保留袭击选择权的问题上,它将严重依赖于美国。 - Oestrogen helps to keep open the main artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the foetus.
雌激素帮助大动脉保持张开状态,将含氧富足的血液运向胎儿。 - We keep open house at weekends.
周末我们随时欢迎客人光临。 - Some shops keep open beyond midnight.
有些商店营业到半夜以后。 - All we are asking is that you keep an open mind and try to understand.